
MRI Scan: What Should You Know

An MRI scan is not something anyone looks forward to. Many of us find it frightening to learn that our doctors have advised getting an MRI. As we anticipate what will happen, our brains quickly start to fill with fear, our palms start sweating, and our hands shake. Although anticipating this scan might be intimidating, it is much less terrifying than you think. You must be still for a short period throughout the process; it is entirely painless. Let’s go through the critical information concerning MRI scans.

What Is MRI Scan?

Magnetic resonance imaging is referred to as MRI. As the name implies, this test takes a scan of what’s happening within your body using radio waves and strong magnets, which are then sent to a computer for the physicians to view. Without the need for invasive treatment, these photos provide vital information about what could be happening in various sections of your body. If you’ve had symptoms and the doctor is trying to diagnose you, you might need an MRI. They’ll want precise pictures of your internal organs to diagnose the problem. If you’re currently receiving treatment for a disease or injury, your doctor may use an MRI to evaluate how effectively the medication works and how your body is healing.

How Should You Prepare For A MRI Scan?

Following are some instructions if you need to know how to be ready for your MRI scan.

MRI scan

Talk To Your Doctor If You Have Claustrophobia History:

You will spend the whole MRI procedure lying inside a tube-shaped machine. Although the time you spend there will vary, it can last up to an hour. If you’ve ever had claustrophobia, you could discover that this dramatically increases your anxiety. Speak with your doctor in advance and share your worries and claustrophobia history to help you cope with the procedure. To keep you calm throughout the MRI, they might be able to prescribe a drug for you to take beforehand.

Do Not Wear Jewelry:

One of the top things to avoid doing before an MRI is wearing metal. The MRI technicians will ask you to remove any metal objects from your person before using the machine since an MRI is a gigantic magnet. This includes any jewelry you might be wearing.

Clear Discussion With Your Doctor:

Modifying the MRI process may be necessary for some circumstances. Since the scan is a giant magnet, any metal implants anywhere on the body may pose a concern. A history of renal disease or diabetes is one specific issue to be mindful of. Inform your doctor if you think you could be pregnant. You should also discuss past shrapnel or gunshot wounds, an implanted medicine infusion device like an insulin pump, and previous medical conditions. To ensure the MRI can be done safely, your doctor will go through many disorders like these. The most crucial MRI preparation component is probably a medical history discussion.