
How To Get Rid Of Split Screen On iPad

Split View is a feature in iPad’s that allows you to split the screen in half and use two applications simultaneously. Although its a great method for multitasking but using two tabs at the same time can be exasperating and confusing. 

You have two options to stop the occurrence of Split Screen. First is to remove it with the click of some motions and the second is to permanently deactivate it. 

Remove Split Screen

Sometimes using a split screen can be fundamental. When you’re doing a research whilst taking info from another source, it can be immensely helpful. Although it might cause you confusions it it remains activated. Once you’re done with whatever you’re doing, here’s how you can remove split screen from the iPad. 

First you have to decide that which app do you want to close and tap on the black line in between both of them. Then slide that line to the right or left side of the screen, only depending on which app do you want to close. After that, remove your finger from the slider when the app completely vanishes. As soon as you perform the aforementioned protocol successfully, the other app will be closed and your decided app will take the full screen. 

Although make sure you don’t rush the process with sliding so quickly. In such cases, the window you wanted to close will hover above the other window. This issue is called Slide Over. 

How To Remove Slide Over

If you want to use two apps on the same tab, slide over is the thing to do. You can position and relocate them yourself, depending on the direction you want it to be in. You can also create as many slide overs as you want. 

If you want to either close the slide over app or whilst closing the split screen you accidentally launched slide over, here’s how to remove it. 

Long press the control bar of the slide over tab. Then slowly drag it to the edge of screen, don’t get it too inside the edge. Stop dragging as soon as you see the tab getting bigger in size. This means that the screen is going into split view once again. Then follow the same instructions as mentioned above to remove the split screen. Slowly slide the divider to either side until you reach to the edge of the screen.